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2023 Wisconsin Educator Development Support & Retention Survey – Staff

Statewide Results

Showing All Participants

Feedback Usefulness

  • Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Agree
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

included specific improvement suggestions.
included specific suggestions to improve my content/subject knowledge.
included specific instructional strategies that I could use to improve my teaching.
included specific classroom management strategies that I could use to improve my teaching.
included recommendations for finding resources or professional development to improve my teaching.
was provided as frequently as I needed it.
was provided in time for me to use it to inform my practice.

Feedback Accuracy

  • Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Agree
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

The feedback I received was an accurate portrayal of my teaching.
The classroom observations or walkthroughs that informed the feedback I received represented a typical day in my classroom.
In our evaluation system, different evaluators reviewing the same evidence would likely give the same ratings.

Opportunity to Use Feedback

  • Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Agree
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

I had access to the professional development (formal or informal) that I needed in order to implement suggestions provided in my feedback.
I had access to an instructional leader (e.g., peer, coach/mentor, administrator) who supported me in implementing suggestions provided in my feedback.
I was able to observe expert teachers modeling skills that related to my feedback.
I had time during the school day to plan for implementing new strategies based on my feedback (e.g., collaborative or individual planning time).

Using Feedback to Improve

  • Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Agree
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Because of the feedback I received…

I tried new instructional strategies in my classroom.
I tried new classroom management strategies in my classroom.
I sought professional development opportunities (formal or informal).
I sought advice from an instructional leader (e.g., peer, coach/mentor, administrator).
I changed the way I plan instruction.

Principal Leadership

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about your principal. -

The principal participates in instructional planning with teams of teachers.
The principal knows what's going on in my classroom.
The principal carefully tracks student academic progress.
The principal encourages teachers to implement what they have learned in professional development.
The principal communicates a clear vision for our school.
The principal makes clear to the staff his or her expectations for meeting instructional goals.
The principal understands how children learn.
The principal sets high standards for student learning

Principal Trust

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about your principal. -

It's OK in this school to discuss feelings, worries, and frustrations with the principal.
The principal looks out for the personal welfare of the staff.
I trust the principal at his or her word.
The principal is an effective manager who makes the school run smoothly.
The principal places the needs of children ahead of personal and political interests.
The principal has confidence in the expertise of staff.
The principal takes a personal interest in the professional development of staff.
Staff feel respected by the principal.

Teacher Collaboration

  • Never
  • Once or Twice
  • 3 to 9 times
  • 10 or more times
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Please indicate how often you have done each of the following this school year. -

Observed another teacher's classroom to offer feedback
Observed another teacher's classroom to get ideas for your own instruction
Gone over student assessment data with other teachers to make instructional decisions
Worked with other teachers to develop materials or activities for particular classes
Worked on instructional strategies with other teachers

Job Satisfaction

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
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Thinking specifically about your current job, to what extent do you disagree or agree with each of the following statements... -

I find real enjoyment in my job.
I like my job better than the average person.
Most days I am enthusiastic about my job.
I feel fairly well satisfied with my job.

School Commitment

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
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Thinking specifically about your current job, to what extent do you disagree or agree with each of the following statements... -

I wouldn't want to work in any other school.
I would recommend this school to parents seeking a place for their child.
I usually look forward to each working day at this school.
I feel loyal to this school.
I can be myself in this school.
I expect to be working in the same school next year.

Teacher-Teacher Trust

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about teachers in your school. -

Teachers in this school trust each other.
It's OK in this school to discuss feelings, worries, and frustrations with other teachers.
Teachers respect other teachers who take the lead in school improvement efforts.
Teachers at this school respect those colleagues who are experts at their craft.
I feel supported by my peers, professionally.
I feel supported by my peers, personally.
Positive Sentiment
( -- )
This reflects the percent of your educators who completed a survey.
Results are only available if at least 30% and 5 educators completed a survey.